
The capture of coordinates, which started in the 2007 Census of Agriculture for rural addresses, will be extended to all Brazilian housing units in the 2022 Census. Coordinates are expected to be captured for more than 75 million addresses. That will contribute to real-time monitoring of the enumerators’ work and for data collection management, including the improvement of the census operation in the Brazilian territory.

Capture takes place at three different times: the address confirmation step; arrival at the housing unit in the first visit and on a later visit, whenever the enumerator cannot find the resident in the first time; and at the moment of the interview. The enumerator is allowed to go back to the housing unit up to three times, and, in each one of them, the coordinate is captured for that attempt at interview.

After the Census operation, the coordinates will be important inputs for IBGE surveys and lists such as Continuous PNAD, the Census Mapping for enumeration areas and the National Address List for Statistical Purposes (CNEFE). They can also be used to provide new geographic products such as the availability of the Enumerators’ Route in the results of the 2017 Census of Agriculture. The possible georeferencing at a more detailed geographic level fulfills a recommendation of the United Nations Statistical Division, always with statistical confidentiality in mind.