The 2022 Census is born: SES/CE participates in press conference for the release of first results in Ceará

Section: 2020 Census | Da Redação

July 03, 2023 11h39 | Last Updated: July 25, 2023 02h17

After seven months of coverage, three months of processing and one final month to prepare for the release, the First Results of the 2022 Census were released on the 28th of June, presenting basic information about the resident population in Brazil, its Major Regions, States, Federal District, Urban Concentrations and Municipalities.

In the afternoon of that same day, the , the Supervising Department Information Documentation and Dissemination (SDI) of the IBGE State Superintendence in Ceará (SES/CE) promoted an event to release the first results for the State and of Ceará and its municipalities. The presentation of data and the press conference were held in the SES/CE headquarters, and were hosted by Helder Rocha, SDI Supervisor. Many press representatives attended the event: Diário do Nordeste, O Povo, TV Verdes Mares, TV Jangadeiro, TV Diário and G1 Ceará. IBGE civil servants, including the 2022 Census Coordinators were also present.

Straight from Rio de Janeiro-RJ, the Superintendent of IBGE in Ceará gave an interview about the First Results of the Census for Ceará

Dissemination material was also shared with 500 plus press companies from Ceará (radio stations, tv channels, newspapers, websites and blogs), presenting highlights for the state, including audio, video, releases and slides, as well as tables with all the data made available for the State, its Urban Concentrations and Municipalities.

Diretamente do Rio de Janeiro-RJ, o Superintendente do IBGE no Ceará concedeu entrevista sobre os Primeiros Resultados do Censo para o Ceará.

Dissemination material was also shared with 500 plus press companies from Ceará (radio stations, tv channels, newspapers, websites and blogs), presenting highlights for the state, including audio, video, releases and slides, as well as tables with all the data made available for the State, its Urban Concentrations and Municipalities.

The first release included the following data: total housing units, permanent occupied and non-occupied housing units, vacant housing units, housing units for occasional use, population totals, average of residents per housing unit, absolute and annual population changes, hierarchy of municipalities by population range, territorial area, population density, rate of non-response and rate of refusal.

Destaques para o Ceará

The state of Ceará registered 8,791,688 residents, which represents a percent change of 4.01% in the population against 2020. The average annual increase of the population in Ceará between the 2010 Census and the 2022 Census was 0.33%, below the Brazilian average (0.52%).

Ceará was a national highlight due to its capital, Fortaleza, which became the fourth most populous municipality in the country and the number one in the Northeast Region. Although it lost more than 23 thousand residents between 2020 and 2022, the capital of Ceará surpassed Salvador-BA and went up one position in the national ranking. It is also worth mentioning that six of the eight municipalities that form the Great urban Concentration of Fortaleza recorded population increase in the same period.

Fortaleza stood out in the state and went from the 5th to the 4th position among most populous municipalities in Brazil.

The five most populous municipalities of Ceará are, respectively: Fortaleza, Caucaia, Juazeiro do Norte, Maracanaú and Sobral. Among the least populous ones were, respectively: Granjeiro, Guaramiranga, Baixio, São João do Jaguaribe and Potiretama.

Itaitinga stood out as the municipality in the state with the biggest average annual increase of the population: 5,47%. The municipality is also at the 10th position in the national ranking of increase in the number of housing units, with 125.1% of increment between 2010 and 2022. São João do Jaguaribe is number one in the ranking of Brazilian municipalities with the highest percentage of vacant housing units, with a rate of 29.1%.

In general, Ceará registered good participation in the 2022 Population Census: 96.69% of the housing units were enumerated, a percentage above the national average (95.77%). As a result, only 3.31% of the occupied permanent private housing units in Ceará did not answer the questionnaire, either because They were absent or because They refused to participate in it (the overall average in Ceará was 1.50%).

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