Sergipe is the 2nd state in the country with the highest percentage of enumerated population

Section: 2020 Census | Da Redação

November 07, 2022 17h25 | Last Updated: November 11, 2022 10h25

Until November 7th, Sergipe had enumerated 85.3% of the population, becoming the 2nd state in the country with the highest percentage of population registered in relation to the estimate for 2021. This means that in Sergipe, 1,996,427 people have already been enumerated.

In the state, 9 municipalities have already completed the collection and are in the review phase, such as Amparo do São Francisco, General Maynard, Nossa Senhora Aparecida, Carira, Pedra Mole, Ribeirópolis, Siriri, Telha and São Miguel do Aleixo.

Another 13 municipalities have more than 90% of the areas collected, as is the case of Ilha das Flores, Cumbe, Areia Branca, São Francisco, Poço Verde, Muribeca and Feira Nova.

According to Vinícius Rocha, who is the technical coordinator of the Census, several strategies were developed together with the operational part. “We hold weekly meetings with the subarea coordinators, as well as follow-up graphs and charts of the progress of data collection. Census analysts were also engaged to promptly meeting the demands of the state's countryside.”

Regarding the operational part of the Census, Hellie Mansur highlighted that there was “an incentive for enumerators to work on weekends with bonuses for the questionnaire collected, as well as relocation of the team in the municipalities that were finishing to others that were behind schedule”.

The state of Sergipe also made previous contact with condominiums, as they are places of greater difficulty for data collection. “Months before the start of the Census, we made a partnership with the Housing Union of Sergipe (Secovi-SE), through events and prior contact with building managers. This helped us during the collection phase, as the residents already knew about our visit. The previous contact also facilitated the reception of the enumerators and brought more security to the residents”, points out the IBGE superintendent in Sergipe, Adriane Sacramento."

Collection champions

Sergipe has several enumerators who will stand out in questionnaire filling. Among them, we can highlight Felipe Quintela, who works in the north area of ​​Aracaju, with 2,157 questionnaires. In the state's countryside, in Tobias Barreto, which is just over 140 km from the capital, Rayane Barbosa completed 1,857 questionnaires.

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