Partners in life and in the Census: twin sisters stand out as census takers in Ribeirão (PE)

Section: 2020 Census | Da Redação

November 07, 2022 10h58 | Last Updated: November 11, 2022 10h26

Enumerators Yasmin (right) and Ysabelle Cavalcanti dos Anjos, 18 years old, work in Ribeirão, Pernambuco

The 18-year-old twins Yasmin and Ysabelle Cavalcanti dos Anjos have always had their lives guided by the strong connection between them and saw the 2022 Census as an opportunity to get, together, their first job. After completing high school, both signed up for the IBGE selection process in Ribeirão, in the Zona da Mata Sul of Pernambuco, where they live. Both were approved in the selection process, started working as enumerators on August 1 and are together in the fourth enumeration area.

The sisters also stand out in terms of productivity: of the 24 enumerators in the municipality, Yasmin was the one who carried out the most questionnaires, while Ysabelle comes in the fourth position. Both collected samples in both urban and rural areas. In places further away from the downtown Ribeirão, access to households requires more effort from enumerators. "The IBGE car cannot reach certain areas and we have to continue on foot, but the balance of work in the census is positive, even with these difficulties", comments Yasmin.

Another challenge that both overcame is having to explain to respondents the importance of the census and the mission of the IBGE. “We were always very shy and we had to improve our communication skills with people in order to work. We have contact with different stories and people every day. You realize that you don't even know where you live. It is very gratifying to hear enumerators talk about how much they grew personally and professionally with this experience, so much so that some wanted to work on the census again”, points out Ysabelle.

Yasmin, in turn, remembers a story that moved her. “In the Beira-Rio neighborhood, here in Ribeirão, I met a lady who was a garbage collector and lived alone. She treated me very well and helped me a lot to carry out my work in this community, as she belived the census would improve her life”.

Yasmin and Ysabelle's work is also recognized by their superiors. "The two are very hardworking and we intend to keep them until the end of the Census, if they want to continue", praises the coordinator of the Escada area, Wellington Bezerra, which also includes the municipality of Ribeirão.

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