Repacs carried out by UE-PE mobilize city administrations in all the regions of Pernambuco

Section: 2020 Census | Da Redação

October 27, 2021 16h55 | Last Updated: January 24, 2022 11h42

The Census Planning and Monitoring Meetings (Repacs) have mobilized municipalities from all the regions in Pernambuco, including the metropolitan area of Recife, Zona da Mata, Agreste and Sertão. Up to October, nearly 30 Repacs were carried out, mostly off-site. That includes the municipality of Aliança, where the Census dress rehearsal will be carried out from the beginning of November onwards.

Repac in the municipality of Aliança, in the North Zona da Mata of Pernambuco, where the Census dress rehearsal will be held

The meetings discuss the following subjects: territorial base, data collection stations, information about the census team, selection processes, granting of training venues, information about data collection, work in indigenous and quilombola areas, partnerships with condominium administrator associations and IBGEeduca.

“In most municipalities that held meetings, city administrations have offered their support, either by providing venues for data collection stations or by training enumerators. In some small cities without public transportation, the representatives of the city administrations have considered the possibility of providing transportation,” details Enildo Meira, coordinator of Repacs.

Take a look at the cities in Pernambuco that have already hosted Repacs: Alagoinha, Aliança, Belém de São Francisco, Betânia, Bezerros, Cabrobó, Caetés, Cumaru, Dormentes, Floresta, Ibirajuba, Igarassu, Jurema, Lajedo, Limoeiro, Pesqueira, Petrolina, Salgadinho, Sanharó, Santa Cruz, Santa Filomena, Santa Maria da Boa Vista, São Bento do Una, São Caetano, São José do Belmonte, Serra Talhada, Tacaimbó and Triunfo.

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