Census Dress Rehearsal in BA: Living in Amaralina, operational coordinator is visited by enumerator

Section: 2020 Census | Da Redação

November 24, 2021 15h24 | Last Updated: December 06, 2021 17h32

“It was the materialization of our effort and commitment with the 2022 Census.” With these words, Francisco Brito described how he received the visit of the IBGE´s enumerator on a Friday afternoon, November 12, 2021.

Operational coordinator of the Population Census in Bahia, Brito lives for more than 40 years in the neighborhood of Amaralina, in Salvador, where the dress rehearsal of the 2022 Census is being carried out.

Brito was visited by the enumerator during the Census Dress Rehearsal in Amaralina

He was visited, in his apartment, by Brazantônio Júnior, a sub-area coordinator (CCS) who is acting as an enumerator in the test. Nevertheless, Brito cannot be considered enumerated at all.

He explains: “As agreed with the technical coordinator, I preferred to answer it through the Internet, just to check some points that are probably not frequent in the neighborhood. For example, whether all follow-up messages [of the online answer] are within the expected schedule.”

In the moment Brito informed his option to the enumerator, he received an email and a SMS with his e-ticket and password to answer the questionnaire through the Internet. Two days later, he received new messages, warning that he did not answer it yet.

According to Brito, the administration of his building fostered the Census Dress Rehearsal among residents, a key factor for the success of the operation there.

“The neighbors are receiving it very well. Many of them said that they liked to take part in this enumeration carried out by the IBGE. Indeed, I have received positive feedback from the entire neighborhood, with many people helping to disseminate it,” celebrates him.

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