IBGE faz primeira reunião sobre o Censo 2020 em Fortaleza (2)

Section: 2020 Census | Da Redação

November 05, 2019 14h18 | Last Updated: November 22, 2021 16h42

The IBGE´s State Unit in Ceará (UE-CE) carried out the first Follow Up and Planning Meeting of the 2020 Population Census (Repac) on September 27 in Fortaleza. The meeting was led by the UE´s head, Francisco José Moreira Lopes, and the Maranguape Agency´s head, Paulo Alexandre Sousa, and counted with the presence of a number of public institutions and the press.

Guests watched a video with the presentation of the 2020 Census before the speech of the UE´s head. Then Lopes talked about the magnitude of the Census, its scope and the demands required to carry out the survey, raising the importance of the cooperation of the heads of state, the society and the local media in the collection of information in the households.

Journalist Maria Clara, of the O Povo newspaper, attended the meeting and later interviewed the UE´s head, Francisco José Moreira Lopes, who highlighted issues related to the 2020 Census. Among the matters, Maria Clara asked about the budget estimates related to the Census at the state and capital levels. She also asked about the accomplishment of the survey through the Internet and how the population will access the website to fill the information. Lopes also talked about the Dress Rehearsal in Ceará, which will take place in the city of General Sampaio. The interview was published on the website of the O Povo newspaper.

Antônio Glayson and Valmir Carlos, of the Institute of Agrarian Development of Ceará (Idace); Ana Cristina, of the Institute of Economic Strategy and Survey of Ceará (Ipece); Dimas Oliveira, of the Agency of Agricultural Defense of the State of Ceará (Adagri); Francisco Sombra, of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa); Jorge Pinto, of the Department of Agrarian Development (SDA); Gecilda Correia, of the Company of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension of Ceará (Ematerce); Lívia Fernandes, of the Institute of Planning of the Municipality of Fortaleza (Iplanfor) and Luana, of the Municipal Chamber of Fortaleza participated in the meeting.

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