Ceará conducts a series of REPACs in the beginning of October
October 15, 2021 16h55 | Last Updated: October 29, 2021 02h19
The State Branch of Ceará has already conducted some REPACs - Meetings for Planning and Monitoring of the 2022 Census. So far, meetings have been held in the municipalities of Abaiara, Aurora, Porteiras, Granjeiro, Jardim, Missão Velha, Hidrolândia, Ipueiras, Ipu, Pires Ferreira, Itapagé and Graça, ending in the starting weeks of the month.
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the REPACs can be conducted either online or face-to-face. Each area coordinator is responsible for the evaluation of conditions and restrictions in each municipality. Each area coordinator is responsible for analyzing the conditions and restrictions of each municipality to make this decision.
Juazeiro do Norte
The Census has been welcomed everywhere in the Cariri area. Meetings have taken place in Abaiara, Aurora, Porteiras, Granjeiro, Jardim and Missão Velha, where it was very well received. Despite the problems caused by the pandemic, city governments were receptive to partnerships and offer facilities for data collection.
Repac in Abaiara
Repac in Aurora
Repac in Porteiras
The Juazeiro do Norte area coordinator, Joana D'Arc Balbino, presided at the meeting with the participation of subarea coordinators and the head of the branch, Renan Albuquerque. Mayors, chiefs of staff and secretariat representatives.
Repac in Granjeiro
Repac in Jardim
Repac in Missão Velha
Repac in Ipu
In the Tianguá area, coordinator Modesto Moita conducted the REPACS online via Google Meet, in the municipalities of Hidrolândia, Ipueiras, Ipu and Pires Ferreira, with the participation of representatives of municipal governments.
Repac in Ipueiras
A REPAC was also conducted in the municipality of Itapajé, in the city hall, and was under the responsibility of José Gleylson, area coordinator.
Repac in Itapagé
In the Sobral area, the municipality of Graça was chosen to house the REPAC. The meeting was attended by the Chief of Staff, the Associate Prosecutor of the Municipality, who had worked as an ACS in the 2010 Population Census; by of Ematerce, by the Rural Workers’ Union and by a number of Healthcare Agents who will help in the dissemination of information about the Census. Daniel Átila, CCS, presided at the meeting.
Repac in Graça