The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released, on Friday, 2, in the city of Ponte Alta do Tocantins, for the first time ever, data about geographic coordinates of addresses in the 2022 Census. The event is part of the project IBGE Jalapão Expedition in Tocantins, which had a comprehensive program, and was attended by the governor, Wanderlei Barbosa, besides receiving the support from the State Government of Tocantins and of the City Government of Ponte Alta do Tocantins.
The president of the IBGE, Marcio Pochmann, the director of surveys, Elizabeth Hypólito, the director of geosciences, Ivone Lopes Batista, the manager of the Address List for Statistical Purposes (CNEFE), Eduardo Baptista, the Imaging manager of the Cartography Department, Aline Lopes Coelho, and the Census Operations Coordinator, Wolney Menezes were the Institute's representatives. Also present were the mayor of Ponte Alta, Kleber Rodrigues de Sousa, the State Secretary for Planning and Budget, Sergislei de Moura, and the head of the Advisory in Social Participation and Diversity for the Ministry of Planning and Budget, Anderson Quack, who spoke on behalf of Minister Simone Tebet, besides secretaries, mayors, deputies. In addition to more than 200 attendees, an audience of more than 1,400 persons watched the event live on the Youtube and on the Digital IBGE channel.
Wanderlei Barbosa, governor of Tocantins, called attention to the role of the IBGE in the development and improvement of public policies in Brazil, and thanked president Marcio Pochmann for choosing the city of Ponte Alta do Tocantins to hold the opening event. “We know the IBGE could have chosen cities like São Paulo, Brasília, Rio de Janeiro, but they decided to have this event in our state. We are aware of how important a reference that is for us as administrators. It is not only Tocantins becoming visible, but Brazil.
President Marcio Pochmann spoke about how symbolic it is to have a school as the chosen venue for the ceremony and celebrated the work of the Institute. “On behalf of the almost 11 thousand IBGE servants and the 180 thousand enumerators that knocked at every door of the 90 million housing units in Brazil, my salutation here from State School Alcides Rufo, in Ponte Alta do Tocantins. There would not be a better place for this celebration. Few public agents come into our homes and that is the reason why the IBGE a serious institution, with activities funded by budget resources that come from taxpayers,” he said.
Anderson Quack, the representative of the Ministry of Planning and Budget, also highlighted the noticeable contribution of the Census for this new phase in the country. “Brazil is now experiencing a moment of union and reconstruction. One of the premises for this moment is the Census. It is the window through which we can see the paths to be followed by means of public policies.”
The Secretary for Planning and Budget of Tocantins, Sergislei Moura, expressed his satisfaction with data released by the Census and thanked the IBGE for the choice of Tocantins. “I was impressed by the geographic coordinates presented. The data will be used for our work here in the state of Tocantins. We are truly grateful to see the state, and Jalapão, as the focus of the IBGE, which is the main responsible for the most important data about the Brazilian population, about our habits and peculiarities, besides being the main producer of reliable socioeconomic in the country.”

Release of geographic coordinates of addresses in the country
“This is the first time the IBGE marks the geographic coordinates of each housing unit visited, and today, in Ponte Alta do Tocantins we release an unprecedented type of information from the 2022 Population Census, a product that enables the analysis and study of the occupation dynamics in the national territory, the different forms of population distribution, with its different dimensions and forms of organization,” said the IBGEs director of Geosciences, Ivone Lopes Batista.
The release is “not only the result of technological advances of the Population Census, but also of the integration of all the teams, showing that the Census goes beyond statistics, and also encompasses Geography and other fields, directorates and superintendencies that have made this possible, represented here today by the superintendency of Tocantins, and the entire population than answered the Census and has made this publication possible,” said Elizabeth Hypolito, director of Surveys.
In his presentation, the manager of the National Address List for Statistical Purposes (CNEFE), Eduardo Baptista and the Imaging manager for the Cartography Department, Aline Lopes Coelho, presented the results and the Interactive geographic Platform (PGI), a tool by means of which one can see data about addresses and localities and make comparisons.
There are a total of 111.1 million geographic coordinates in the country, with 81.5% from private housing units, 10.5%, or 11.7 million, from establishments such as banks and shopping malls, said Mr. Batista. These include “264.4 teaching establishments, 247.5 health establishments, 579.8 thousand religious establishments and 3.5 million constructions being built or remodeled.”